In these unprecedented times, businesses both big and small are facing unforeseen challenges, and the coming weeks, months and possibly years will be defined by the actions taken today.
The most common challenges businesses are facing during the pandemic are:
Social distancing restrictions make it difficult to sell goods face to face
Supply chains are breaking down as non-essential shops close their doors
Order numbers have plummeted due to uncertainty
Certain products are deemed non-essential and therefore demand is decreasing.
“Some people don’t like change, but you need to embrace change if the alternative is disaster.” Elon Musk
You’ve recognised the problem but before diving into a myriad of possible solutions, you have to ask the right questions:
Business models have long been backed by a set of beliefs so deep rooted in our society that few dare to question them. Over the past few years however, there’s been a shift and a wave of disruptors have hit the scene.
Questioning the beliefs surrounding your company may help you to think outside the box and bring to the forefront solutions that never before would have crossed your mind.
You’ve taken stock of your situation, you understand the problem and you’re ready to rapidly innovate, so what do you do now? The questions you asked yourself about your business should give you a list of actionable points to address.
If you’re a restaurant owner, can you offer a delivery service? How will you inform your regular customers about the changes your making? Can you engage a wider audience, offering online cooking tutorials or tips on sourcing ingredients when others have stockpiled all the essentials?
We’re supporting our digital partners to adapt their businesses and strategise for the uncertain times ahead. We’ve helped a leading newspaper and magazine distribution company to rapidly change their business model and in just one week, designed and launched an online e-commerce shop, selling magazines to end customers stuck at home.
Do you need help with your strategy in these unprecedented times? Get in touch to learn more about our digital services.